Top 10 canadian expressions

>> 4 de janeiro de 2010

Estou tentando focar os estudos de inglês nas particularidades do Canadá e achei algumas expressões idiomáticas de lá. A palavra #1 da lista não é exatamente uma surpresa, mas algumas são bem engraçadas... Tirei o texto daqui.

Top 10: Canadian Expressions

Canadians have their own way of speaking. And because English is a mongrel language with Germanic, Latin and Greek roots, it is prone to idiomatic expressions. The Canadian version of any expression may have retained a lot of British slang, but like the dream of multiculturalism, we welcome integration.

These 10 Canadian expressions are homemade terms that unveil some deep-seated aspect of our cultural identity. With each Canadian expression, we will dig into secret realms of Canadiana to reveal some of the mysteries of the offbeat and often self-deprecating Canadian sense of humour.

Number 10: Washroom
Although the term “washroom” is used elsewhere, Canada is the only place where it is standard. In Britain, “public toilet,” ”lavatory” and “loo” are common; in the U.S., “toilet” and “bathroom” are preferred. In Canada, a bathroom generally needs to include a bathtub to get linguistic play. A washroom, on the other hand, is a room for doing one’s business and washing hands. In other words, the Canadian expression “washroom” makes the most sense to our practical minds.
Number 9: Chocolate bar
Until the late 19th century, candy was sold by weight only, and chocolate was primarily used for cooking, not direct eating. But as England started selling chocolate-covered candies, a small candy factory in New Brunswick started launching the chocolate bar.

On a brisk morning in 1898, as brothers James and Gilbert Ganong got set for a fishing trip, they wrapped a few pieces of chocolate in a wrapper, and then… Eureka! They realized that the protective wrapper was the ideal way to carry chocolate. It took a while for their confectionery magic to alter the consumer landscape, but in 1910 the Ganong Bros. Limited introduced North America’s first five-cent chocolate bars. Ever since, Canada and England have used this term for what Americans call “candy bars.”
Number 8: Pop
Internationally, there is very little agreement on what to call carbonated beverages. Although “soft drink” is fairly common, there are an infinite number of regional terms for soft drinks. In the U.S., most refer directly to the brand they loyally drink. Otherwise, “soda,” “soda pop” and “soda water” are the terms of choice. In Britain and Ireland, “mineral” and “fizzy drink” are common, while in Australia, “lolly water” is the expression of choice. Up here in the Great White North, however, despite that kitschy classic “Go For Soda” by Canuck rocker Kim Mitchell, “pop” is the Canadian expression of choice.
Number 7: Keener
The Canadian expression “keener” refers to an eager person who is “keen” to demonstrate knowledge in nerdy environments, such as work, school or church. Although a keener may be an obsessive ass-kisser, this doesn’t preclude him from partying. In fact, a keener often slaves over his homework, and then finds the time to be a keen boozer to boot. Nevertheless, the phrase “what a keener” is mostly used pejoratively when, let’s say, a colleague’s work ethic puts yours to shame.
Number 6: Mickey
Unlike the line “he slipped her a mickey,” which means to drug someone’s drink with poison, drugs or laxatives, the Canadian expression “mickey” is reserved for a small bottle of alcohol. As such, virginal drinkers may be heard bragging about pounding a mickey, using lines like, “Last night, I chugged a mickey of whisky before going to the party. Dude, I was so wasted.”
Number 5: Two-four
Any Canadian who considers himself a drinker has picked up a two-four for a Friday night bush party. It is the Canuck way to buy beer when your plan includes getting trashed. Therefore, the Canadian expression “two-four” refers to a case of 24 bottles or cans of beer, and bringing one to a bush, beach or house party makes you feel like a rock star, even if it is merely an act of conformity. The two-four legend has also been bolstered by its connection with May Two-Four, Canada’s Victoria Day holiday, which happens around May 24th. On that glorious day, Canadians far and wide celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday by squeezing two-fours into a buddy’s fridge and spending the holiday getting sh*t-faced.
Number 4: Double-double
For those who don’t know, Tim Horton’s is a Canadian institution. Like Dunkin’ Donuts or Donut Time, Tim Horton’s specializes in doughnuts, which Canadians consume like they’re a part of a nation of cops. Canadians also guzzle Timmy Ho’s coffee like the drug it is. And most of the time, people order a double-double, which refers to the Tim Horton’s ordering system for a filtered coffee with two creams and two sugars. And if you’ve ever done any driving across the great Canadian landscape, you’ve likely ordered double-doubles every 100 clicks, and eventually cleaned 10 empty cups from your backseat while fondly remembering the double-double buzz.
Number 3: Hoser
There are two etymologies for the term “hoser.” First, during the Great Depression of the 1930s, it was a term used to describe Canadian farmers who would siphon gas from farming vehicles. Second, this Canadian expression has also been used to describe the players on the losing side of a game of shinny. In the old days, such losers would have to hose down the rink after the game.

In the early ‘80s, “hoser” gained cult status after being bandied about and branded by the SCTV characters Bob & Doug McKenzie, whose iconic Canadian status boomed with the movie Strange Brew and a hilarious Christmas album. Bob and Doug are prototypical hosers; they are absentminded fools from the Canadian suburbs who drink beer, watch hockey, wear toques, smoke cigarettes, and say things like, “No way. Take off, you hoser.” Today, anyone who still wears a flannel lumberjack jacket, eats too many doughnuts and collects welfare cheques risks being labeled a hoser.
Number 2: Loonie
Back in 1987, when the Royal Canadian Mint introduced the one-dollar coin, it didn’t have a convenient name. But over the past 20 years, the coin has become a symbol of its currency. Nicknamed “loonie” because of the loon on the coin’s face, the term is now commonly used instead of "dollar" -- as in “Do you have a loonie I could bum for the pop machine?” Part of the reason for the term’s success stems from the cultural significance of the loon, a water bird whose haunting call has long symbolized the peace and quiet of Canadian cottage country. Then, in 1996, the twoonie was born. If nothing else, the twoonie further minted the loonie’s place in Canadian lexicon, in part because it was a bad pun, and there’s nothing more fundamental to Canadian heritage than clever wordplay.
Number 1: Eh
Canadians are infamous for their use of the expression “eh.” There is a lame joke that runs, “How did Canada get its name? Answer: In typical hoser style, our forefathers decided to pull some letters from a hat. The first letter was announced as ‘C, eh,’ the second ‘N, eh,’ and the third, ‘D, eh.’” Although “eh” can be used like “huh?” to express confusion or to ask for clarification, this use is also found in British English, as well as in Italian and Spanish. The “eh” that is particular to Canadian dialect, on the other hand, is used to check in with the listener, to ensure they are listening, and that they understand and are interested. Like when Bob McKenzie says to his brother Doug, “Take off, eh?” What he means is: “You’re wrong, but I’m not sure if I’m right, so let me know what you think.” In short, “eh” -- the most popular Canadian expression of them all -- is used to solicit conversation.

from ginch to gonch

By no means has this been an exhaustive list. Here is a sampling of some other great Canadianisms: ginch (tighty-whities); gonch (also tighty-whities); shinny (pickup hockey); Canuck (a Canadian); puck bunny (groupie for hockey players); skookum (Chinook jargon for cool or tough); pogey (welfare). So slap a few of these terms together, make a complete sentence and proudly consider yourself a stereotypical Canadian.

9 comentários:

Pat 4 de janeiro de 2010 às 14:04  

Pati, adorei o post!! Vou salvar para poder estudar tbm!

Conexão Torrica à Montréal 4 de janeiro de 2010 às 14:16  

Mto bom o post Pat! Ótimo pra começarmos o ano sabendo um pouquinho mais do lado de lá!! Bjs, e ótimo 2010!!!

César, Valéria, Lara e Anaclara 4 de janeiro de 2010 às 14:24  

Muito legal o post. Já tá salvo no favoritos.

E a vida segue...

Juliana 4 de janeiro de 2010 às 23:26  

O 'Eh' é realmente o número 1!! Minha teacher em Montréal, nascida e criada em Ottawa, falava muito o 'eh' (quase um 'eh' por frase... rsrsrs)... no final do mês eu já tinha embarcado no 'eh' também... rsrsrsrs

Pati 5 de janeiro de 2010 às 10:15  

Pois é, algumas coisas só vemos lá... Vou ver se acho outras expressões interessantes e posto aqui.

abraços a todos!

Baratinha 5 de janeiro de 2010 às 21:08  

Obrigado pela visita.

Seja sempre bem-vinda! E se tiver qualquer duvida, pode mandar um post!

Sucesso pra ti

merciquebec 5 de janeiro de 2010 às 21:22  

uau, lá vamos nós no inglês...anotado. estudo programado. bisous

Tati 5 de janeiro de 2010 às 22:40  

Pop e washroom eu já conhecia, me lembro até hj, dos tempos que morei em Toronto. O 'Eh' n lembro mais rs eu gosto muito mais do inglês canadian do que do american.

Boa semana!!!


Lucas Sousa 6 de janeiro de 2010 às 00:29  

Olá, Pati!

Obrigado pela visita e pelo comentário.

Muito legal seu blog! Parabéns!

Um grande abraço,


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